Basic techniques course of Italian cuisine
Structure of the course
For the new academic year 2017/2018, we have changed the structure of our medium length most popular course.
The courses part of the programme “basic techniques of the Italian cuisine” is composed of 3 annual sessions
- Autumn (from October to December)
- Winter (February- March)
- Spring (April to June)
- Length: Each session is made of 7 evening meetings
- Time: from 19:30 to 22:30 PM (we are flexible, it depends on the preparation time)
- Frequency: once per week
- Content: Each lesson provides the elaboration of a 3-course full menu. You will learn and apply the general technics that are part of our philosophy “hands on”- learn by doing, taught & guided by our qualified chef.
- The 7 Menusof each season are completely different. They follow the seasonality of raw materials that you will learn to choose and use.
- Participants: maximum 10, average 4-6
- Proceedings: You will start with a theoretical introduction before moving on to the concrete preparation of the different dishes that compose the menu of each day. Each participant works at his own emplacement with the appropriate cooking tools under the chef’s supervision and demonstration
- Tasting: At the end of the preparations, the participants will be able to taste their creations and will be able to comment the work together with the group and the instructing chef.
Food Pairing: a wine that suits the menu of the day is included
2017/2018 academic year
Autumn 2017 | Winter 2018 | Spring 2018 |
26 October | 15 - 22 February | 26 April |
2 - 9 - 16 - 23 - 30 November | 1 - 8 - 15 - 22 - 29 March | 3 - 10 - 17 -24 - 31 May |
4 December | 7 June |
Price list (full course advised but you can also choose to follow 1 to 7 lessons)
- 1 lesson: € 70
- 2 lessons: € 130
- 3 lessons: € 190
- 4 lessons: € 250
- 5 lessons: € 300
- 6 lessons: € 360
- Full programme of 7 lessons: € 420
Alce Bologna Cucina: € 10 (to pay only once per academic year)
Includes: ALCE insurance, access to the gastronomic laboratory and wine tasting room, theoretical & practice lessons, use of apron, booklet and material with cooking techniques and menu accomplished
Supplement: € 15 for the fish menu
Some of the basic techniques studied and experimented during the course:
Some of the basic techniques studied and experimented during the course:
Basic Cutlery – Operator Safety – Cutting techniques (slicing, dicing) – Cooking vegetables (cooked in water, in fat, roasted)
Dough and preparation for “Focaccia”, pizza and bread-immediate rising, poolish, ”Biga” – useful tips – Cooking and keeping salted products leavened.
Pasta with or without eggs – dough and preparation – preparation of classic pasta – preparation of various forms of pasta & gnocchi- use the rolling pin- preparation of a base for sauces
White and red meat – Cooking red meat in the oven – washing, cutting and cooking in fat from white meat.
Whole Fish – sliced-fillets – cleaning – gutting – crustacean – shellfish
Semi-freddo desserts – desserts eaten with a spoon – creams & panna cotta – Shortcrust pastry – puff pastry – cream ganache – crème caramel
”Fondi” broths and mother sauces – brief history – preparation – Uses (“Fondo” – veal pasta sauce, white sauce, fish sauce, vegetable sauce) hot mother sauces (Common Velouté ,fish velouté, béchamel sauce, tomato sauce, veal sauce) – Cold mother sauces (mayonnaise, vinaigrette)
Rice and risotto – brief history of rice – Preparation – cooking – “mantecatura”– roasting–
Full menu of the 7 meetings of the autumn session of the “basic techniques” course

Martedì – Mercoledì e Giovedì
Orario: h. 09.00-12.00
- 26 – 27 – 28 Gennaio 2016
- 2 – 3 – 4 – 9 Febbraio 2016
- 10 – 11 – 16 Febbraio 2016
€ 625,00

Martedì – Mercoledì e Giovedì
Orario: h. 09.00-12.00
- 10 – 11 – 16 Febbraio 2016
- 17 – 18 – 23 – 24 – 25 Febbraio 2016
- 1 – 2 Marzo 2016
€ 625,00

Martedì – Mercoledì e Giovedì
Orario: h. 09.00-12.00
- 26 – 27 – 28 Gennaio 2016
- 2 – 3 – 4 – 9 – 17 – 18 – 23 – 24 – 25 Febbraio 2016
- 1 – 2 Marzo 2016